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Guardian Ad Litem

•    General Order regarding Guardians Ad Litem 
•    Application for Membership in the Guardian Ad Litem Panel

Applications should be submitted to

18 U.S.C § 3509(h)(1)
 (h) Guardian ad litem.

(1) In general.--The court may appoint, and provide reasonable compensation and payment of expenses for,
a guardian ad litem for a child who was a victim of, or a witness to, a crime involving abuse or exploitation
to protect the best interests of the child. In making the appointment, the court shall consider a prospective
guardian's background in, and familiarity with, the judicial process, social service programs, and child abuse issues. The guardian ad litem shall not be a person who is or may be a witness in a proceeding involving the child for whom the guardian is appointed.

Continuing Education Opportunities

•    Childrens Law Advocacy Resources Online 
•    Louisiana Supreme Court Children and Families Division

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